Katie & Kristy: Our spiritual, artistic, and ancestral practices share commonalities and we appreciate the camaraderie we gain from being like-minded individuals in a small, remote area.
photo: Brandy Bloxom
Since 2017, we have undertaken a number of cultural events as a means to add something new to the community—something that wasn’t present when we were growing up in the Flin Flon area. Our goal is to widen the perspective of people living here and to offer a deeper sense of belonging. In 2018 and 2019, we offered a wilderness retreat called Soul Sisters Summer Camp that focused on plant medicine, ceremony, meditation, and movement. In 2020, we founded a cooperative studio space that was entirely drop-in and by donation. In 2020 and again in 2023, we created an art event titled Art in the Wild, which has featured theatre, music, opera, visual art and performance art. A big motivator for both of us is that we grew up in this area and we both have professional practices that scarcely have opportunity for presentation here.