[free]artist workshops & open studio
Information for Workshops in the spring of 2025 will be out early 2025.
April 7 to May 16 2024
6 free artist workshops:
Land and Site
Collage as a portal to other worlds
Yes/No, boundaries and consent
Sculpture and impermanence
Dance a Poem
Collaboration as an opportunity for unique outcomes
Open Studio: Tues & Thurs 4-6:30pm
A time to create, collaborate, experiment, start a project, finish a project, chat with other artists, work alone, anything!
These workshops are open to all, they are not medium specific nor are they artist specific, they are no skill required workshops. They are filled with short activities and many prompts to get us out of our critical self and start making something. The goal is not a finished product but a feeling that making something doesn’t necessary need to take long or be painstaking thought out.
In Sculpture there is no carving, no moulding, no clay. There’s Yarn and Yoko Ono and things.
In Dance there is no dancing. There’s walking, picture taking, and videoing.
They are all individual, come to one that sounds interesting to you, or come to them all.